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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 22, 2013 6:00am-8:00am PDT

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bill: good morning, everybody on a friday. we want to start right now. fox news alert. there is breaking news on a deadly shooting at a military base home to the fbi training academy. a woman and a man are dead. good morning everybody, i'm bill hemmer. that's where we start in this version of "america's newsroom.". martha has time off. >> good for her. i'm heather childers filling in for her heather: a colonel getting emotional. >> they were all assigned to officers candidates school.
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all of the candidates in the school are accounted for and safe as we take care of our marines and their families, that are dealing with this tragedy. i would also can for the support of our neighbors, the community, and their thoughts and prayers as well. for our marines who have lost their comrades in arms. heather: marine base quantico is about 0 miles south of washington. bill: sergeant christopher zahn, a marine corps spokesman is with me now. good morning to you. >> good morning, sir. bill: i know this is always difficult. what can you report about what happened last night? >> we have three marines we lost last night which is never an easy day for anybody and i agree with the planning officer's emotions there because it is a somber moment for all of us here. bill: did they know each other, sergeant? >> i don't know the nature
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the relationship. i imagine due to the smallness of the unit and tightness of the unit we all know each other at some level. each one of us is important to each other. the. bill: are you aware of any threat that was expressed by any one of them? >> no, sir. bill: this part of the base, is it marines only or is it fbi also? >> this is it marines only. this is the officer candidate school where we select and train our future leaders, our second lieutenants. bill: who will head up the investigation then? will it be the marines or could it even be the fbi in this case? >> i don't know the answer to that question, sir. bill: i can hear the trouble in your voice, sir. are you okay? >> i'm good, sir. i'm all right. it is just never an easy day when you lose a marine. bill: i'm sure it is not. sir, what will happen today? >> well, today we're going to, we're going to investigate and we're going to try to get to the bottom of, you know, what happened here and why and then the future step will be, you
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know, how we prevent stuff like this happening in the future. how we keep our marines alive. bill: how many shots were fired? >> i don't know the answer to that one, sir. bill: did one take their own life, is that a fact? >> yes, sir. the shooter, the initial suspect was prow fenced dead of appaint self-inflicted gunshot shot wound. bill: names have not been released s that still the story now? >> yes, sir. pending notification of families, sir. bill: ages of the three? >> same situation, sir. bill: and the standoff inside the barracks, how long did that last? >> it was not a colonel standoff as the colonel said. standoff. we isolated the area and waited it out and then several hours later when law enforcement made entry into the room that's when they discovered the suspect and the other victims. bill: my assumption is that they heard a gunshot that's when they decided to move.
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would that be act watt -- accurate. >> i don't believe at that is what happened but i wasn't there so i can't say exactly. bill: will there be another briefing today on the base? >> if more information becomes available we can release we will push it out. if that requires a press conference, then obviously we'll do that. bill: sergeant, we'll be in contact with you. thank you for your time. >> thank you. bill: especially during this most difficult time. our best to you and everybody there. thank you, sergeant. >> thank you, sir. heather: as we mentioned quantico is both a marine base and a home to the fbi's training academy. there is even a mock town on the base for training purposes. it opened back in 1917 and trained thousands of soldiers during world war i. in 1934 the marine corps let the fbi start to use the firing ranges on its base and they have been there ever since. >> not the first attack we know at a u.s. military base that made headlines, even in recent years. 2009 army psychiatrist, radical islamist major nidal
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hasan killing 13 and wounding more than two dozen at fort hood in texas. a man shot and killed his wife, a fort bliss soldier inside the fort bliss exchange. akbar suspected of launching a deadly grenade attack in the 101st airborne division. that happened in kuwait. heather: a breakthrough in the colorado prison chief murder. that shooting and a car chase in texas. they're trying to figure out if the colorado parolee, he have voons spencer is linked to the murder of colorado corrections director tom clements. he was spotted in a car matching a description of a vehicle seen at the scene. after leading police on a high-speed chase, he opened fire and eventually crashed and was shot down. this happened 700 miles from
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where clements was killed tuesday night. he was shot in the chest as he answered the door of his home. we're following all developments as they come in on this story this morning. and coming up later we'll talk with a former colorado corrections director about the case and security concerns with being a corrections officer. he says that his family was threatened and that he had 27 -- 24/7 security. his story later. bill: meantime the house voted yesterday on a republican budget for next year that would shrink the government by another 4.6 trillion over the next decade. paul ryan says this is the only way to balance america's books. >> their plan this year, they can fire it and go to a new one next year. those plans compete against each other around drives down costs and increases quality. it is a bipartisan idea. we want to apply that idea to the rest of the medicare for the younger generation. what this shows you can make
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medicare solvent and sustainable. you can make sure you don't change it for current seniors and save it for the next generation with these kinds of reforms. bill: that plan is on the way to the white house. republican budget plan for 2014 calls for a balanced budget in 10 years and sharp cuts for safety net programs for the poor and other programs. >> sharp blow to the president's health care law three years after it was passed republican senator orrin hatch and democratic senator amy klobuchar leading the charge repealing a key medical device tax that helps bankroll the law. stuart varney, anchor of "varney & company" on the fox
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who upwards 40 million people will be paying a whole lot more for their individual coverage after obamacare takes full effect next year. in some cases, the premiums that we will pay will double. remember this is a 17,000 page list of rules for obamacare. it takes full effect next year, january the 1st, and already you can see a great
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deal of dissent on how to pay for it and what it's actually going to cost and there is real, real concern here, that it won't be implemented properly on time. heather: yeah. all those exchanges. 33 different states, not forming them on their own. >> that's right. heather: thanks so much, stu. we appreciate it. we'll talk a little bit more about it with our political panel later. bill: what do you do with this now? you were counting on this revenue to pay for other aspects of the law. where do you find the money. heather: there are 20 new taxes included to pay for it. bill: we're just getting started. chinese former nasa contractor under suspicion of stealing u.s. secrets appearing in federal court. bo jiang is his name. arrested at dulles airport on saturday. the fbi said he had a one-way ticket back to his home country in china. lied to agents how many electronic devices he was carrying. he worked as nasa langley center in virginia until
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last year. he will be back for a bond hearing next week. keep an eye on the story to see where it goes. heather: as bill said, we're just getting started. there is no money in the budget for tours at the people's house but the white house goes on with another long tradition. should that have been cut too? karl rove weighs in. bill: doesn't look like spring, does it. heather: not at all. bill: not here. where this massive pileup happened on the highway. we'll tell you how they made out there. heather: i hear they're suing the groundhog because of that. and investigating now underway if syria, seriously, is using chemical weapons or has but some law make he is -- lawmakers here say it is clear they did. president obama says this would be a game-changer. general jack keane is here with his take on this growing crisis. >> you have a government that we believe and we have solid information, by the way the international community believes this, has chemical weapons. has put them in a position to be used on short notice, and i believe, there's a
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high probability has been used with that whole body over the last two years. hey, our salads. [ bop ] [ bop ] [ bop ] you can do that all you want, i don't like v8 juice. [ male announcer ] how about v8 v-fusion. a full serving of vegetables, a full serving of fruit. but what you taste is the fruit. so even you... could've had a v8.
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heather: well france's former president charged with breaking his nation's campaign finance laws and taking advantage of a person in poor health. now the alleged victim is france's richest woman by the way. the 90-year-old heiress to the l'oreal cosmetics empire. former president nicolas sarkozy is charged will legally accepting more than $5 million from the woman. sarkozy's supporters say the case is politically motivated. bill: no tour for you, america. budget battles may have been canceled at the white house but, canceled the tours of the white house but the easter egg roll will go on the 1st of april, despite warnings that the event could also be canceled. 35,000 expected to be on the south lawn with the president and first family next week. karl rove, a former senior
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adivsor, deputy chief of staff to president bush and a fox news contribute tore. all this is about money and how we spend it is what we cut to. okay, karl, is it a good decision to go forward with this knowing schoolkids in california have been shut out, et cetera? >> well, look it was a bad decision to cancel the white house tours. you can't tell me in the several 10 of billions of dollars budget of the homeland security department you couldn't have found $74,000 a week to continue the white house tours? cut out some conferences. cut out some waste. cut out phony programs and fund the white house tours. but having made that decision, it would be made in my opinion, even worse if you canceled the historic easter egg roll which is in part funded with private fund as you say, involves 35,000 people come to it and would have made it look worse. bill: do you think they dig a deeper hole if the cancel the egg roll? >> sure.
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bill: optics are terrible, karl. i think the picture looks awful but the public is shut out but the politics of, the politicians of washington, they can bring four family members, plus a member of congress and be on the south lawn while the public has been told no. >> well let me tell you, most of the people who attend that 35,000 are not relatives of members of congress. in fact my experience was a lot of members of congress, if you had young children you wanted to come. if you were a, maybe some grand children but most of the people who come there, the vast majority, i would say, 30,000, 32, 33,000 out of the total are ordinary americans somehow or another get a chance to come to the easter egg roll. bill: the tour supported those people too. some people come in and some people can't. >> don't ask me to defend the incredibly stupid decision of the obama white house. this was part of their offense to show how bad the sequester would be and that blew up in their face.
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this was part of the, we'll close the washington monument theory. we'll point out how bad the sequester is, you ordinary people feel the pain rather than doing things like canceling the gsa, you know, trip to las vegas. i mean, this was a bad mistake by the president to cancel the white house tours. they many could pounded it. bill: they made a poor decision in the first place, that's what you're arguing? >> right. bill: i tell you what republicans should do. they should boycott the easter egg roll on 1st of april. as silly as that may sound. say we're not going to go. >> i would be, better thing have oversight hearing to say really secretary napolitano, you could not find $74,000 a week you could have for white house tours? what about canceling this? what about the waste in this? what about doing this? what about that. a whole range of options they could have found ways within the homeland security department budget to pay the overtime for secret service to handle the white house
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tours. bill: okay, now, you don't disagree with that point? >> no, not at all. bill: if there could be a boycot saying in is not right. this all ties into the budget and spending. you brought a whiteboard today to make a point. >> yeah. yesterday 35 democrats voted against their own party's budget proposal in the house. this is really unusual. generally there are only a couple of defectors. here's why this is happening. if, this battle is going to play out for months ahead. the senate democrat budget proposal has $184 billion more in spending this year than does the republican house budget proposal. and $348 billion more in spending for next year and, at $20 billion in new taxes this year. $40 billion in new taxes next year. democrats are not going to want to be on record saying we want a lot more spending, most of it paid for by deficit this year and next. we'll see a lot of defectses from the democrat budget resolution. we saw a vote yesterday in the senate which was, you
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talked with stuart varney about. repealing the medical device tax. we're likely to see a lot of defects from the white house and the democratic leadership proposal to have a lot more spending in year and coming years. we saw the opening mark of that yesterday. bill: peter cottontail still on the schedule for the 1st of april. we'll bring you back and we'll continue this little discussion about what's right and what's not given the budget crunch. >> bring back the white house tours. bring back the white house tours. bring back the white house tours. there we go. bill: enjoy austin. see you soon. heather. heather: the clock is ticking as the country is on a verge of collapse. can a deal be reached before there is a i had on people's bank accounts and is this something we could see happen to your bank account? bill: also a scared homeowner, well, you won't believe what they did when a homeowner crossed paths with something that should not have been there and this was, this was the end result
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bill: a massive snowstorm causing a huge pileup on this highway. whiteout conditions in alberta, canada. 100 people injured as a result. cars and trucks stuck in ditches for miles along that road. the mess shut down the highway for six long and cold hours. heather: last time i checked it says it is spring. well the debate to keep cyprus from complete collapse heating up. the tiny european country, it has three days to raise $6 billion. the initial plan was a unprecedented move to tax all personal bank deposits causing a huge run as you can imagine at atms. charles pain with the fox business network and he joins us now with more.
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could see see this happen in other countrys? basically the bottom line, could we see this happen here, that's what people want to know? >> a lot of people say we have the fdc which is insurance, this and that. constitutionally you could definitely see it happen here. this is what happens, the endgame when a country gets tied up when exhausted all options and you're asking for a bailout. here is the interesting thing, cyprus has been able to watch greece drive pretty hard bargains. greece has been bailed out twice already, 2010, and 2012. this is it one of the weird situations where the beggar gets to call the shots. eu, particularly germany turned the tables, you twice, if we give you this bailout, 10 billion euros which would be largest as percentage of any bailouts we've given a country, 50% of your gdp you have to put more skin in the game. that is obviously reasonable. the unreasonable part, at least in my mind, tell the regular person, the cypriot
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safer, working a regular job or putting a few euros in the bank we'll take a piece of that and unfortunately they did turn down the deal initially. the parliament voted it down. it may be leaning that way. you should see some crazy things they mentioned here in the last 24 hours. taking assets from the church and monetizing them. they have got natural gas money that comes in. they want to monetize it now. we'll get the money up front and all that has been turned down, shot down by early billion any. heather: initially, obviously a lot of turmoil caused by this but eventually could this maybe, you know, reinvig rate europe and maybe turn things around? >> there has been a series of bailouts, spain, portugal and greece and so on. the idea what happens to the euro? in other words what if cyprus says we don't, we'll go on our own? we don't want it. the terms are too draconian. we're going on our own. we like the low taxes. we like the banking system. he like the fact that we have nat-gas and we could
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get tourism there would be all hell breaking out, a lot of turmoil. you know the old skit when someone has a string, you have a string and pull it entire suit falls apart, that would probably be the initial reaction. heather: okay. >> ultimately i happen to be a euro skeptic. i think all these countries should be independent on their own, printing their own currency, calling their own shots. some of them have become so dependent on this relationship it would be havoc and there would be desperation as least initially and it would be a dangerous time for everyone for a period of time. heather: so you don't see a reinvigoration happening? >> there won't be reinvigoration. but a lot of people will say, whew, if cyprus cuts some sort of a deal. our market will open a bit higher. the prevailing wisdom the leaders of cyprus having voted down the deal initially will vote some sort of a deal. they will cut some sort of a deal within the next 24 hours, maybe even sooner and they will stay in the euro. they will keep the euro and
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appease their bailouts because again, a lot of money and they can't find it anywhere else. heather: in all that i heard our markets opening higher? >> our markets opening higher. there is cautionary tale out there, when a country gets its back to the wall to any degree, anything can happen. biggest empires in the world, including america are not immune from that. heather: thank you, charles. we appreciate it. >> you got it. bill: thank you, charles. nailing final jeopardy. >> i did mix up the sistine chapel about noteter dime. bill: that is your problem. did syria use chemical weapons? why one u.s. lawmaker says yes and now is the time for the united states to act. >> run down a very dangerous road if we start to parse the meaning of what we know they have, what i believe they have the intention to use, and what has clearly been used within that total body of information. ♪ [ slap! ]
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heather: welcome back. new developments on the crisis in syria. the house intelligence chair now says that there is a high probability that the country is using chemical weapons on its people. >> everybody agrees, including the syrians and the opposition and the united states and others that they have chemical weapons and we have a pretty good number of sites, more than a dozen and we have all of these sophisticated conventional weapons. you have these al qaeda groups in trying to get their hands on them.
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hezbollah trying to get their hands on them. this is a powder keg. it makes what happened in libya with their weapons that spread across the northern africa and the maghreb, in fact i argue that mali was the first victim of weapons that escape out of that, these weapons make libya looks like antique gun show. heather: general jack keanes retired, former four-star general and vice chief of staff of the army, and fox military analyst joins us with more. high probability you heard him say there. do you think chemical weapons are being used in syria by the assad regime or by rebel groups? what do you think? >> i don't know but chairman rogers, highly respected chairman of the intelligence committee has access to information that very select leaders have in this country. so when he is drawing a conclusion it is likely it is probable, i think we have to take him at his word. i believe also before our government would take any
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action, they would have to actually confirm that chemical weapons were used. heather: you know syrian president assad, he released some pictures, he released some video. i have, i believe we have some of that, that he says proves that rebel forces used chemical weapons on this attack. he alleges it happened on march 19th in aleppo. just from you viewing this video, taking a look at these pictures, can you yourself tell, i mean, you can't tell if chemical weapons were in fact used here but president assad says this is proof. >> well certainly doctors after a period of time would be able to determine that to be sure. whether we could get accurate information from assad's medical system i'm highly skeptical of it but you know there is some reservation here i think. if a assad was going to use chemical weapons you would think it would have some military value in the sense that damascus was under siege or aleppo was under
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siege and he was using those weapons as an act of desperation. also you can assume, heather, that our surveillance is watching those stockpiles. if in fact there are movements out of those stockpiles to tactical units which would be a very high warning for us. so there is something that is not right here and there really is a military stalemate in syria right now between the rebels and assad's forces, and unfortunately the increase in civilian casualties are going to be the price paid for that. heather: the u.n. now says that they are going to go in, they're going to investigate this. in fact, three separate occasions where chemical weapons have allegedly been used in syria. but what type of access will they get and how will we even be able to prove this? >> well, i'm skeptical about that to be sure. this is a rogue regime. assad will only do what is is in his interest and his singular focus is
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preservation of his regime and to stay in power so he will do nothing to undermine that. if he has to lie or deny with the u.n. inspectors he will certainly do it but the u.n. inspectors, if they're competent like the ones we had it iraq they will certainly know what assad is up to and be able to reveal he is not giving them the kind of access they should have. heather: finally, what the is greatest danger if in fact syria has the chemical weapons and they're using them? secondly, president obama said this would be a game-changer. those were his words if in fact it is proven chemical weapons are being used. what will the u.s. do? what do you think he means by that? >> i think he is right on the mark there. certainly it is a game chuanger. the increase in casualties to the syrian people would obviously be very significant. and there's a huge danger of these weapons as chairman rogers pointed out in the spot that these weapons could fall in the hands of the al qaeda who are present
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and hezbollah who are present and even possibly hamas. then those weapons could be used in the region not only against neighboring countries of syria that are not friendly to syria or to the radical islamist interests but to u.s. interests in the region. the whole world would take notice at that point if those weapons were in the hands of those terrorists. we can not let that happen. we have a joint task force in jordan out of central command whose purpose is to help locate the stockpiles and they're developing plans what to do about them if those tactical weapons start to get moved or if they're used. heather: what do we do about them? what do do we do about them? >> well, i can't speak to their plans but i think it is self-evident, we probably by now know where they are. and number two, if we believe they were in danger of falling into the hands of terrorists, i believe, we would execute. that would be boots on the ground and probably u.s.
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special operations forces with others in the region to do it. heather: boots on the ground. that's what i wondered. thank you so much. we appreciate you joining us as always with your insight. thank you. >> have a good day. bill: we know where the chemical weapons are being stored. we'll see whether or not we'll make a move on them. heather: yeah. bill: this is tactic as old as time. infiltrators that recruit americans to do the dirty work of spying. this recently came to light when a russian by the name of anna chapman who fled to her home country of russia. this sunday on the "fox files",. story of cia traitor aldrich ames, serving live in prison. here is some of what you will see. where did aldrich ames rank on your list? >> i had him number one. bill: why? >> the change in risk and fact he had so much money. something was wrong. bill: was he aware of your task force? >> oh, yes.
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we didn't hide from anyone that the fact that we were searching for a traitor in cia. bill: there is much more from that too. "fox files" airs on sunday night, 9:00 eastern time. it is a brand new program that i highly encourage you if you have the time to check it out. also in that reporting catherine herridge with new information about a man who was allowed to stay in america permanently despite the fact there is evidence that he helped the hijackers on 9/11. we'll wrap all that into our program on sunday. heather: interesting? what time sunday night? bill: 9:00 p.m.. heather: all right. i will tune in. your private web browsing, speaking of spying, open to prying eyes? the controversial change by the administration aimed at your personal communications. how do we protect ourselves without sacrificing safety? bill: also two big votes on the hill. what was voted down and how all of this could impact your wallet and your future. >> at least budgets are passing around here for a change but all the other budgets have trillion dollar
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plus tax increases and have net spending increases and when you have a trillion dollar deficit, we need to work on our spending and when the other side is offering even more spending increases and even more tax increases, more borrowing, we're still kind of worlds apart. hey, our salads. [ bop ] [ bop ] [ bop ] you can do that all you want, i don't like v8 juice. [ male announcer ] how about v8 v-fusion. a full serving of vegetables, a full serving of fruit. but what you taste is the fruit. so even you... could've had a v8. earning loads of points. we'll leave that there. you got a weather balloon, with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. go. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here.
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there it i [ man ] so i used mineo get a whole new perspective. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] earn points with the citi thankyou card visit to apply.
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heather: well, fear over a snake is being blamed for this huge house fire. look at this. police say this whole thing started when a homeowner found a snake while cleaning near dallas. >> while cleaning up she saw a snake. through gasoline on the snake and lit the snake on fire. the snake went into the brush pile and the brush pile caught the home on fire. heather: threw gasoline on a snake. the fire grew fast and spread to the home next door. fortunately no one was hurt. no word whether the homeowner will face charges. bill? bill: she may want to try a shovel next time.
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heather: step on it. bill: might save the home. everything you do on the web could soon be open to prying eyes. the obama administration is expanding an internet scanning program once restricted only to government networks. now steve hayes, senior writer, "weekly standard", fox news contributor has been looking at this and he is with me now. steve, good morning to you. >> good morning, bill. bill: big picture, you seem to be okay with this, is that right? >> i think we need to know a lot more about the details how exactly this will work and we need to know what kind of protections are set up to protect the privacy of average americans. no one wants the government to have access or the opportunity to scanning or reading their e-mails on one hand. on the other hand, when you look at nature of the cyber threat that we face on a daily basis, both in government and in industry and in our private networks, it's a significant problem and it needs to be addressed and i think address addressed forthrightly. bill: based on what you understand about this program it is looking for what then? in either your e-mails or
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your internet search? >> right. it's looking for sort of big picture possible viruses, possible attacks. the kinds of things that could potentially take the attacks, cyber attacks we've seen previously which have been largely disruptive attacks and turn them into destructive attacks, the kinds of things that could cripple infrastructure, turn out the lights in new york city. the scenario is a possible scary scenarios are sort of endless and it is looking for those sort of bigger threats. bill: okay. we reported a lot on that, especially over last two years when you hear all the stories coming out beijing, et cetera. >> right. bill: you're wondering if i'm on the internet who is watching me? >> right. bill: how do we figure out what is the right balance here? >> this is the big discussion. this is why the kind of debate we're going to have over the next several months, maybe over the next several years will be so important. it is very difficult for the government to talk about this in an open way because of course, it allows the people who are conducting these kind of attacks, whether they're states,
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whether they're nonstate actors, whether terrorists or hackers or hacktivists, it allows them to see what we know and see what we're guarding against. by talking about our vulnerabilities we're sort of broadcasting the vulnerabilities. that makes the kind of discussion we're likely to have so difficult. bill: with that as a baseline of knowledge then, we know it's a problem. we know we have to do something about it. we certainly don't want to sacrifice intellectual property or national secrets but is this best way to go about it ultimately? >> well, i don't know. i don't know if it is the best way. it is certainly what the administration you talked to intelligence folks working on the nature of this threat say is a necessary way. you look at the kinds of threats that are coming and the fact we don't know exactly where a lot of these attacks are coming from, it makes it even more difficult. you can't have sort of a deterrent effect in the way you would have when, say, you were having a nuclear standoff with one particular
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state. these attacks are coming from a variety of sources. they may or may not be states. there is a lot we don't know. bill: i will tell you they're getting better and better. >> much better. bill: we have to get better and better but then it leads you to the next question which is, where do you stop, and how far do you allow your own government to go? >> right and that's a huge question obviously. as i said nobody wants, nobody even likes the idea of the government snooping on their e-mails and i think we have to draw very, very bright lines. to the extent we can talk about where those lines are and make clear to the american public this is not going to be happening i think that's a very important step to take. it is interesting to see this debate and how far we are forward leaning on the question of privacy relative to the debate we had say, just 10 years ago on warrantless wiretapping where alarms were being raised. people were sort of very careful, jealously guarding their security. we haven't seen the kind of
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public debate about those issues, or at least not the same level we did during the bush administration. bill: my guess a judge will decide this, between your personal security and your civil liberties? >> yeah, well, it is certainly likely it will end up in courts some way or somehow. i don't think we're even at that point. we're still at the point where we're trying to craft these defenses. the government is trying to come up with the defenses implement them, include them in legislation, discuss them publicly, have some kind of a debate and much later we're likely to end up in the courts. everything end up in the courts these days. bill: that too and everybody end up on the internet as well. we'll see how far it goes. terrific conversation. thank you for your insight. stephen hayes in washington. heather. heather: pay attention to this, bill. dramatic new video of a gunman firing into a restaurant. look at this. then a crowd of people rushing in to help. we will tell you where all
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of this went down. we'll tell you how it ended as well. bill: that is live fire. from space to your living room. american history from missions past that you can soon own, for a price. ♪ . let's see what you got. rv -- covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles -- check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. house. hello, dear. hello. hello. oh! check it -- [ loud r&b on car radio ] i'm going on break! the more you bundle, the more you save.
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now, that's progressive.
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bill: so the post office can not legally end saturday mail delivery after all according to the government. it lost nearly $16 billion last year. it announced plans to end saturday mail beginning in august to save some money. california congressman
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darrell issa sending a letter to the board of the post office that is, urging them to continue getting ready to end saturday mail delivery. maybe the end is not decided yet. heather: nasa history up for sale. artifacts used to get to space and back headed to the auction block. it includes pieces from the troubled apollo 13 mission that of course inspired the hit hollywood movie. david lee miller got a sneak peek. he is here live. he will tell us what some of the most exciting artifacts are. >> reporter: that's right. the pricewise the sky is more than the limit. no one knows exactly how expensive some of these things will go for but among the items you can bid on, handwritten notes from astronaut jim lovell the notes he used to calculate apollo 13's safe return to either after the mission to the moon had to be aborted. you remember tom hanks playing lovell in the movie
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and how a math error would have doomed the crew. they couldn't cook on board. the price estimated to be, six to $6,000. that is no small potatoes. bottoms auction house will put 250 items up for sale next monday here in new york says there is a growing interest in space memorabilia. >> there is interest growing really dramaticly in space memorabilia, partly because of private space exploration. the idea maybe before long we'll be flying into space ourselves. there is really a very limited quantity of this material from the 1960s and '70s and an increasing number of people interested. it is really pushing prices up. >> reporter: also up for auction the two page takeoff instructions for poll low 11. that was the first moon landing. this is the very first auction of space memorabilia since congress passed a law permitting astronauts to sell souvenirs they collected while on the job. you could say this auction
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house is going where no the other auction house has never gone before. i wouldn't say that. heather: say you don't have a lot of cash to spend. 8,000 bucks for dried potato soup? >> reporter: that's right. heather: so you don't have much money. >> reporter: folks with appreciation of deep space don't necessarily have to have deep pockets. one of the items is expected to go for about a thousand dollars. many for less than that. among them a signed dollar bill signed by christie mcauliffe members of the challenger space shuttle, that is the shuttle that exploded 73 section after takeoff. the signed bill is expect to go for a thousand dollars. least expensive items, baseball cap from the uss okinawa, that crew uses to recover the apollo 15 crew. if you're lucky that could be yours for as low as $500, heather. heather: i say that dollar bill she signed should go for a lot more. bill: get your bids in. heather: yeah. bill: it could would be cool
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to own a moon rock. heather: it would be. bill: is that a possibility, david lee? >> reporter: interestingly they do not have any moon rocks, talk about nasa astronauts not being able to semel biel yaw had the law to change that, one of the things exempted was moon rocks. the moon rocks they're not permitted to sell. bill: cool report. interesting. thank you, david lie. in a moment there are new developments in the deadly botched gun running sting "fast & furious". were the warning signs at the beginning ignored or than. heather: a wild car chase in texas and a shooting of a prison chief in colorado. what police are saying right now. [ female announcer ] with every twist and turn... i need a clean that keeps up. new olay fresh effes'
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vava vivid's vibrating bristles twist and turn for a va va voom clean so sparkling fresh! new olay fresh effects.
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bill: fox news alert now. awaiting a news conference out of texas after a wild police shootout and collision. investigators from three colorado police agencies rushing to that scene, hoping it may help them solve the murder of a man who ran the prisons in two different states, one of which was colorado. that man was gunned down in his doorway. the doorway of his home a bit earlier in the week. welcome to a new hour here of "america's newsroom." it's a friday here. good to have you with us. i'm bill hemmer. nice to see you back, heather. heather: i'm filling in for martha maccallum. we understand that the suspect led texas police on a wild chase before crashing and then opening fire on cops. authorities do not expect him to survive. they say that he was driving a car with colorado plates, similar to a vehicle that was spotted outside tom clements home in colorado just before he was killed on tuesday. alicia acuna, she is live for us in denver. alicia, any word yet whether this guy is connected to the
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colorado shooting? >> reporter: heather, we're still awaiting word from authorities from colorado who have traveled to texas and authorities in texas. you mentioned this news conference that will be coming up a little later on this morning on whether or not the man in, who was suspected in the shooting rampage is also connected to prominent killings here. now authorities say that evan ebel opened fire and wound ad sheriff's deputy who tried to pull him over north of fort worth. ebel, took off in his black cadillac at a high rate of speed. >> when he came by me, running about 100 miles an hour. had his left arm out the window and was just shooting. he shot four times when he passed my car parked in the median of the highway. >> reporter: ebel, eventually rammed his car into semi emerged with guns blazes. officers returned fire. he was hit. and in a hospital this morning but authorities say he is brain-dead and is not
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expected to survive. heather? heather: alicia, do we know if ebel has any connection to clements? >> reporter: we're still awaiting word on that. we know he served time here. his criminal history record goes back to 2003. he served time for several robberies. he reportedly assaulted a prison guard about five years ago. now, as for a direct connection to don clements, the executive director of the colorado department of correction shunses, -- corrections, authorities from this state and texas are trying to connect the dots. during the time they noticed a black boxsy vehicle not far away similar to the car ebel was driving through during the shootout. investigators will go through the car looking for evidence. colorado investigators will see if the there is connection to a seemingly random killing after denver area pizza delivery driver. heather: alicia acuna, keep
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us up-to-date. thank you. bill: here is the timeline of the developing story. the excluding style killing of colorado prison director tom clements. i was shot in the door of his moment in monument, colorado. authorities identified the suspect, 28-year-old evan ebel, a member of the white soup prem sift gain known as the 211s. he led police on a wild chase and shootout as you saw in texas where he was wounded in a shootout with deputies. he is on life-support and considered brain-dead in a hospital in the fort worth, texas. we'll speak to the a former colorado prison director who had a contract put out on his life. he talks about the danger of working in conditions like clements did and what can be done to protect these people and their loved ones. heather: new information
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coming in on a shooting overnight at a marine base in northern virginia that left three marines dead. the base commander now clarifying a earlier description of the situation saying that there was in fact no standoff with the gunman. the shooting happened at quantico. that is about 37 miles south of washington, d.c. the gunman shot and killed both a male and female marine near the barracks before turning the gun on himself. the base commander now reacting to the tragedy. >> i want to express my sincere condolences to the families, the friends, and the marines of the three marines that we lost last night. our thoughts and prayers are with them at this time. this is truly a tragic loss again for the marine corps which has had a number of tragic losses in the last couple of weeks. heather: we'll have much more on the investigation into the shooting a little later in "america's newsroom.".
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bill: so late last night the senate rejecting a budget plan put forward by paul ryan. his budget aimed to balance it in 10 years, voting it down 59-40 in the u.s. senate. the measure would have eliminated obamacare entirely and create ad voucher like model for some americans for medicare. it would also attack the growing bill for entitlements calling on president obama and congress to address social security. chris wallace anchor of "fox news sunday" with us now to analyze this. how are you doing, chris and good morning to you. republicans said for four years show us your cards to the democrats in the senate and now they have with their own budget after ryan's was rejected. so you wonder, what now? >> well, what's going to happen is, that the senate democrats will pass their budget. it doesn't need 60 votes. only needs 51. the republicans in the house will have passed their budget. nobody will pass a budget together. although there is the possibility of this. they may go to conference
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and this is where the president's charm offensive last week might have some effect. that might be the place. clearly negotiations between the president and republican leaders haven't gone anywhere. so maybe in the course of a conference committee between the two budget committees, the rank-and-file members can try to find areas of agreement. but i've got to say these two budgets couldn't be more different. the ryan house republican budget, $4.5 trillion. all spending cuts. patty murray, democratic senate budget, 2 trillion dollars, less in tax increases. bill: keeps obamacare. modest cuts to medicare providers and no specifics given when comes to social security. those are the three major headlines from murray's budget. you wonder, chris, can they reconcile this. >> you would have to bet no. there is reason that when the president has met with speaker boehner or mitch mcconnell for the last couple of years they have been unable to do it.
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they're just so far apart. you know, the one hope you have is that the possibility of this grand bargain. if the democrats and president were really willing to get serious about enlightment reform an entitlement cuts we had, bob corker certainly staunchly conservative republican on the show on "fox news sunday" last week and said if the president were really to go out there and sell entitlement reform, give political cover to democrats and republicans i think republicans would go for more tax revenue. bill: what do you think? have you heard something like that come from this white house since the election? >> no, no, i haven't and that's why i think, you know, if you were going to bet you would bet very much against there being a deal. it is a question how serious everybody wants to get. there's a deal to be made and everybody understands what it would be. it is not that far from bowles-simpson was proposed in the bipartisan presidential commission in september of 2010, but nobody has been willing it make that deal. bill: take it outside of
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washington. our fox polling just conducted this week. should the federal government be forced to balance its budget just like american families? 85% say yes. >> oh absolutely. i'm sure, i don't know if there is a question out there, how do you feel about washington's inability to do that, i'm sure there would be another 85% who say they're sick and tired of it. people are fed up with the washington dysfunction but the leaders are unwilling and unable to bet together and make a deal. so as i say, again, there's a deal to be made. bill: one specific question when it comes to the senate democratic plan under patty murray. how would they react or how would they answer the question if they were asked to address the 85%? >> well, you know, i think, i, here's what they would say. i will not say it would be persuasive to the 85%. they would say when you're looking at budget in this period of time that the long-term issue is to get
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the debt under control, not to eliminate. it but get it under control. the more important issue, telling you what democrats would say. bill: i understand. >> that the short-term problem is we got to keep our economy growing and that is how they defend the fact there is as you point out more stimulus spending, stimulus ii or stimulus iii whatever you want to call it, and $100 billion in stimulus spending in a budget you're trying to reduce the deficit. bill: i look forward to your show. >> exclusion sieve interview with rand paul irths he is living a quiet life these days. >> that's right. he is very much on the back burner. bill: thank you, chris. see you sunday morning. check out rand paul on sunday. heather. heather: the senate is expected to pick up the debate on the budget proposal from senator patty murray this week. it is due april 1st. it is almost four years, 1423 days, to be exact in case you're counting, since the senate last passed a
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budget resolution. that wasn't even a real budget. just a guideline. bill: you wonder, the point chris is making about senator corker, he says if the president goes out and sells it and give democrats cover when it comes to the enlightment idea perhaps he brings the two sides together. but as they stand right now they are miles apart. heather: miles apart. bill: three years since the president's controversial health care law was signed into law. and remember this. >> we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it away from the fog of the controversy. bill: that was in 2010. now three years later the bill seeps just as controversial as ever. a new sign the political fight could be just heating up. heather: people still don't know what's in it. plus manhunt for a crazed gunman after this unbelievable scene happened at a restaurant with people dining inside. bill: there are breaking details about american pastor held inside a notorious iranian prison.
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what his doctor is saying and new push for a response for washington's help. >> and i have to tell them, that he was in prison because he loved jesus and that he loved them very much.
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bill: you're about to see some dramatic surveillance video of a gunman firing into a restaurant. a chinese restaurant. a man named gray, trying to blast his way through the door in philadelphia. this thing goes on and on. on the other side several young men are trying to keep it shut. the gunman pushes it open, far enough to shoot inside. you see that, that, angle from outside. brandishing that weapon there. and firing shots. philadelphia. heather: scary stuff. congress still deeply divided over president obama's health care law. this weekend marks three years since president obama
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signed it. can you believe that? juan williams is a fox news political analyst. mary katharine ham, editor-at-large of and a fox news contributor and they both join us. thank you. >> hello. >> good morning, heather. heather: happy birthday, obamacare. mary katherine. i will start with you. is there any reason to celebrate? >> i think there is a lot of people don't think there is reason to celebrate and there is a couple reasons for that. it is fairly unpopular since it was passed because of way it was the paed there were a lot of promises made. at the time i was skeptical of them. you could keep health insurance if you liked it. that turns out not to be true. the rights are so strength genk that their insurance is not legal anymore. that it would cost families less. that is the not case over last couple years. the premiums gone up faster than they did before the bill. it would cost less for the society. many government agencies and also kaiser private agencies found that, look the cost
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curve is going up, not down because of this bill. people see that and they go, wait a second, this was supposed to solve all the problems. leaving congress to upend the health care system and put something brand new was always a bad bet. we'll see when it hits the up fan in 2014. heather: would discuss the cost of a typical family's premium up to $2500 a year. the irs says the least expensive the government sanctioned health plans will cost the average family of four 20,000 a year. increase more than 4,000 from before obamacare. but, juan, i want to ask you about the funding aspect of it and the latest thing that's happened. this bipartisan push to repeal the medical device tax. you know, 79-20 in the senate. 33 democrats included in that vote. basically, it is largely a symbol little vote but do you see this as a sign of support waivering? >> no, heather. i think that what you see is
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that there are people who think that this bill is largely unknown and some of the impact it is having. so the medical device-makers reacting to the idea of a 2.3% tax on medical devices like heart device, surgical tools, saying hey, this is punitive to us. it would hurt our industry. the white house responds in fact with the affordable health care act you will have more people who now are going to go to hospitals, getting medical services and the demand for these instruments will increase. so the overall industry in fact will benefit. this, to my mind, i listen to what mary katherine just said. to sayoffer you a different the status quo is unacceptable in this country. there have been benefits in terms of increase, in terms of children able to stay on their parents health care plans. millions of kids. there has been increase in terms of preventative care, everything from mammograms to colonoscopies now available to people previously not getting treated. benefits are rolling out. i don't think they are
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well-advertised by the white house. a lot are unknown because the full effects. bill don't kick in until 2014. heather: let's talk about the messaging aspect of it. mary katherine, talk more about that. a recent survey from the kaiser family foundation poll actually from this month, two third of uninsureds, overall, they say though don't know how it is going to affect them. if you go even further than that, 29% of people think that it actually is going to hurt them. >> yeah. no, i think there's a lot of fear about what is coming down the tracks here. part of that it is not just a messaging problem, that is what the white house always said. part of it is the bill is not written yet. a bunch of small business looking at this thing going, the regulations are not filled why. why were they not filled in. during the passing of it they didn't want everybody to know what the specifics would be because they would be real expensive. as they got close to 2012 filling them in would be problematic.
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they're filling in all the blanks an insurers going what the heck is coming at us? we have to figure out whether we can insure our employees. this is really are, people are paying a cost in their private lives. we can say all they want, three good things happened with this bill but there were many, many promises made. this is a giant overreaching bill. if you don't meet those promises then you are liable. heather: juan, you get the last word here though, but 20 new taxes or increases in taxes that we didn't know about. >> well, obviously you're going to have a different system. again i say the status quo is unacceptable. today, so many people not only are uninsured but vulnerable to the catastrophic costs, heather, that come with having a medical emergency. you know, families get bankrupted. we know big companies, gm and the like, tell us so much of the cost of their products is actually paying health care for their workers and they find it unacceptable. so, yes, mary katherine is exactly right, there are so many unknowns. it has not worked out. it will be worked out but i think we're making progress in trying to fix a big
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problem for the american people. heather: got to go. 200 days so we'll see what happens. thank you both for joining us. >> have a good weekend. bill: singing happy birthday today, juan? heather: he sounds like he was singing happy birthday. >> he is always singing. bill: a troubling new report about the deadly "fast & furious" gun trafficking operation. how the whole thing might have been stopped before the murder of this border agent. heather: plus, busted for impersonating a pilot. how a passenger actually made it into the cockpit and almost pulled it off of. >> not even a licensed pilot? that is more than uncomfortable. so i would not say that's going to look good for the airport, certainly not the airline. my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen.
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i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side.
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anthe words are going thisam way-there's no way.
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oh, the lights came on. isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple. deposit a check with a photo. pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters. heather: welcome back. you have to hear about this police arresting a frenchman
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for impersonating a pilot and sweet talking his way into a cockpit. it all happened at the airport in philadelphia on wednesday. cops say the man, he had a ticket for coach but he apparently got upset when he wasn't upgraded to first class. apparently even claiming to hate americans. and that's when he made his move. we're told that he looked the part. even had fake credentials and phony flight plans. >> he was wearing an air france shirt. he carried an air france bag. and he had some identification that looked like he was a crewmember from air france. heather: but he got into the cockpit. he was sitting there. well air france the impersonator's i.d. badge was a pretty bad forgery. bill: sat there? heather: sat there. they said, hey, you're not real. you're not real. get out of here. bill: 23 past.
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there are new developments in the deadly "fast & furious" operation showing it could have all been prevented. the government failed gun-running operation led to the death of border agent brian terry in 2010. william la jeunesse is back on the story today. he is live in los angeles. >> reporter: this is about who knew what when. "fast & furious" was a joint task force of tobacco, alcohol and firearms and immigrations and customs enforcement. i.c.e. had a agent on the task force. he got every report generated. there were hundreds. he knew exactly what happened and participated in the surveillance. according to the government report he knew it was wrong. his bosses in arizona knew it was wrong. i am quoting they never read his reports. and they never told washington. only following the death of brian terry did a arizona supervisor write in an e-mail, quote, and this is exactly what i said would have happened when you let
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this many guns walk. now the report also concludes that neither john morton, head of i.c.e., nor homeland security secretary janet napolitano, knew about "fast & furious" until the death of brian terry. the report said this i.c.e. agent did help traffic guns to mexico. he knew it was wrong. violated policy. he reported but no one listened. bill? bill: william, some of these weapons in the end were actually stopped. what are you reporting on that now? >> reporter: there were several incidents and we reported on many of them. once in douglas, arizona, stop ad load. they called it in, they said let the guns go. second incident. i.c.e. at small border crossing in arizona, found guns in the back of a car. he was told to back off. a third time agents stopped a ringleader with a trunk full of guns at check point. there was confrontation with atf and ultimately again, that suspect, who is now under indictment was released this report concludes that atf and the
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u.s. attorney's office, bill, always stepped in and overrode immigration and customs enforcement. after looking at 6,000 e-mails again, that napolitano did not know about it, even though the u.s. attorney in arizona, he led this investigation, and when she was with him a few days after brian terry died, they never told her about this investigation. that they knew what was happening. that guns were crossing the border. they knew it was wrong. they said it was scary. never told her. bill: this just gets deeper. william la jeunesse on the story in los angeles. thank you, william. heather: coming up tragedy hits the u.s. marines. a deadly shooting at the marine base. a live report from the scene and a former fbi director looks at the case. >> a brave girl helps to bust burglars breaking into her home. how she outwitted the bad guys, have you heard? heather: good for her? [ anouncer ] ihop in time square to compare
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new griddle-melts to your usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4. it's like a sexy sandwich. it's an epic breakfast sandwich.
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the equity in your home. while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free-- that's right, 60 days risk free-- use promo code: notme. order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands-- a $29 value, free. call the number on your screen. [♪...] heather: welcome back. a fox news alert, three people are now dead after a shooting at marine corps base quantico in virginia. it is the home to the fbi's
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training academy, and it's located about 7 -- 37 miles south of washington. elizabeth prann with the very latest. >> reporter: we know those three active duty marines, in fact, they were employees, permanent staff here at the officers' candidate school are dead this morning, but what we don't know from police is exactly why or any motive as to why this happened. it could be up to 24 hours before we even know the identities of those involved. families need to be notified, next of kin, and they won't speculate, as i said, on any motive. no one else was injured in this shooting. it was not a random attack, it was a, quote, isolated incident. the reports of the shooting came in right around 10:30 last night. it all happened at taylor hall, barracks here on the base. the campus was immediately put on lockdown. base police discovered one of the victims, and they pulled back to assess the situation, to really gauge what was happening at the time, and then they found two other bodies. all in all, two men are dead and
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one female. they tell us there was no standoff involved, and the campus lockdown was listed right around 2:30 this morning. base chaplains are providing counseling for those who need it here on base and, heather, we know it's been a very devastating week for marines across the country. on monday seven marines were killed in an accident out in nevada, and obviouslythis morning three more dead here at quantico. heather: thank you so much, elizabeth, we appreciate it. bill: those spokespeople talked to us, this is something that really rocks the marine corps. bill gavins, former executive of the fbi offices in new york, boston and denver. good morning to you. you have been there, you have trained there, what do we need to know about the marine base there and perhaps how it works with the fbi located as well? >> it's a huge complex, bill. it houses the fbi, dea, the marines. and basically what happens here, a lot of what happens is that
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noncommissioned officers train, they have a training program for individuals coming out of college who want to be marines and marine officers. and they do a lot of that training down there. they have ranges, they have bomb facilities, they have everything. it's a huge base, a sprawling base, and this is just a horrible tragedy for the corps. bill: is live fire common on this base? >> yes, live fire is common on the base, assimilated bombings, live fire. the fbi academy has their range at this base, they have their shooting range, the hrt trains there, so it's a very active base in terms of live fire. bill: there's also a woman involved here. she is dead. where do you take the investigation when you learn that knowledge? >> i think, bill, you start peeling the onion right at this particular point in time. what was the nexus between these three people, did they know each other. you know, it's always a possibility of some relationship between two guys and a woman,
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and one never knows. can't put that hypothesis out really as fact until such time as somebody goes through all the facts and determines what the relationship was with all these people. bill: so you know the fbi is significant on this base, but who leads the informations? >> the fbi has jurisdiction on all military installations, however, you have ncia headquartered there, and they have investigative jurisdiction with the navy and the marines. so what really happens in this case, it's a joint venture with the talents of both ncia and the fbi to help resolve the situation and dig down to the bottom. bill: we spoke to a spokesperson on the base about an hour and a half ago, and he was clearlytort on that base. but there's ocs on that base. that's officer candidate school. >> that's correct. bill: would that be significant or not? >> i don't know, bill.
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i don't think -- it appears at this particular point in time there's not any officers' candidates involved, it's the enlisted men that do the training there on the base, men and women. and it appears all three of them were enlisted personnel that were involved in this horrible tragedy for the corps this morning. bill: and we mentioned the case in the nevada just a few days ago. it's been a tough week for our u.s. marines. ware waiting on information and answers, no ages, no names given yet, but when there is more news, we'll bring it to our viewers. thank you, sir, for your time. heather: we are awaiting president obama's arrival in jordan for talks with king abdullah, a crucial u.s. ally in the middle east. ed henry is live for us in aman, jordan, with the president. what exactly is on tap? >> reporter: you're right that king abdullah is a key u.s. ally not just in trying to forge peace here in the mideast, but let's not forget they share a border to the north with syria where there's so much conflict,
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the civil war, and there have been thousands of refugees streaming into jordan. they've taken some of those on, but there's fears there'll be more refugees in the days ahead, there's fears about those chemical weapons, reports that maybe chemical weapons have been used even if they have not been used yet, will they wind up in the hands of al-qaeda and then bring them in here to jordan or israel? i spoke yesterday to shimon peres, the president of israel, who told me this stop in jordan is critical for president obama because he needs to push to get the arab league more involved in intervening in syria. take a listen. >> it's an arab problem, it's an arab organization and league. they have to do what the africans did in africa, organize their force of themselves under the auspices of the united nations and stop the bloodshed. >> reporter: and the bottom line is, though, that king
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abdullah has said that he does not want to get involved in any military intervention in syria. so that suggests since he's a key member of the arab league that the arab league is not going to do anything in the days ahead, and that leaves you wondering whether president assad will just stay in power, cling to power and things will get worse, or whether he'll fall, and you'll have a jihadist government right on jordan's north border, and things could be worth. a lot of major issue, heather. heather: all in flux. earlier the president wrapped up the israeli leg of his trip today. how did that go for him? >> reporter: well, he was trying to have sort of some symbolic visits on the way out. he visited the grave site of rabin, the slain prime minister of israel from many years ago. he brought symbolically a stone from the mlk memorial back in washington, d.c. because you'll remember in the president's speech he mentioned there were a lot of jewish people who were supportive of the civil rights movement with african-americans back in the united states in the
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'50s and 'of -- 60s. he's basically trying to mend fences and there's front page of the big newspaper here that had gone after the president has a big headline that says "obama reassures israel we've got your back," that's the headline the president wanted from this trip. heather: thank you. we appreciate it. ed henry, live. bill: there is a manhunt after a corrections director is gunned down at his own front door. we'll talk with a former corrections director about the dangers that job comes with and why he says his family was under 24/7 surveillance and security. >> i kind of had it figured out right away. sadly because i felt his position would leave him open to some bad opportunities for that. [ male announcer ] with free package pickup from the united states postal service a small jam maker can ship like a big business. just go online to pay, print and have your packages picked up for free.
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burglars. she's 15. she was home when she heard the intruder sneak inside, she grabbed a phone, ducked inside of a closet to hide and called 911. bill: and they did. at one point you could even hear the burglars, coming within inches of where she was hiding. the teen said she stayed calm, and she stayed quiet. bill: great job by that operator too. only moments later, the trio of teenage burglars walked out of the house and into the hands of the police. cops say they may be behind a slew other burglaries in that neighborhood.
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heather: well, the killing of colorado's prison chief putting the spotlight on the potential dangers of his job. tom clements was murdered on his own doorstep, it happened on tuesday. authorities now saying that the man who led the police on a 100 mile-per-hour car chase and shootout and who may be linked to the killing is a paroled prison inmate. 28-year-old evan spencer ebel was driving a car that matched the description of the car seen leaving the neighborhood b where clements was killed. my next guest shows the nature of the job all too well. dr. alan also, he's a former colorado corrections director, and he's now dean of the college of justice and safety at eastern kentucky university. thank you so much for joining us. >> good morning. heather: so at one point you actually lived 5 miles down the road from where clements was, you know, brutally murdered and killed. when you were, you know, in this
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capacity in this job, did you fear for your life, and did you feel safe in that particular neighborhood? >> well, the neighborhood is a very nice neighborhood, it looks down over pikes peak and the air force academy, and it always seemed safe. fear, for most directors, that does not consume your life because it's a very engaging job both administratively and politically as you're dealing with legislators and governors and that sort of thing. and the media, of course. [laughter] heather: yeah. do their need to be more safety precautions put into place to keep incidents like this from happening? >> well, we've lost since i've been in corrections since the early '70s, we've lost two directors, michael frankie in oregon who was stabbed to death outside of his office, and then tom. i think after all these
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incidents we've lost several criminal justice officials, prosecutors and judges, and, of course, they've really tightened up security in courtrooms and that sort of thing. i think corrections probably will, as we always do when an incident happens, reevaluate how we handle security, and i'm sure there'll be a lot of soul searching by many departments of corrections about protection of their staff. heather: you know, we still don't know who perpetrated this crime. we know that there was this car chase, we know that the car involved allegedly looks like a vehicle that was seen near the scene of the crime when clements was killed, but there was also, you know, an original idea that was thrown out there that people were taking a look at, and it was something that you were involved in as well, a net that was made -- a threat that was made against your life by the same person. tell us about that. >> well, most people don't know, but there's lots of gangs in
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prisons, and they have their components out in the community too. in this case i think the inmate was identified with a white supremacist group in the prisons. in my case it was another gang group within the black muslim, elijah muhammad was in charge of that group at the time, and they put a contract on my life, and i had bodyguards with me and my family for a couple of years. heather: i mean, for 24/7 security, how does that make you feel when they're threatening not only your own life, but that of your family? >> well, it makes you rethink your career. my kids at first liked it because they had somebody to drive them to school and stay with them, but it gets very old, and your privacy is totally gone. but it was certainly necessary,
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and i lived with that a couple of years. but i've been director for five governors in three states, and for most of my career i did not feel threatened. i do know of other instances where directors of corrections have been threatened by gangs and had to have bodyguards, terry stewart in arizona comes to my mind. more recently. heather: well, we'll have to see what happened in this case and, hopefully, they'll come to a quick conclusion. thank you so much for your insight, we appreciate it, and we're glad that you and your family remain safe. >> thank you. heather: thank you. bill: jon scott's waiting in the wings here, standing by for "happening now" is rolling our way. what you working on, jon? good morning. jon: good morning to you, bill. president obama wrapping up a three-day mideast visit today with a joint news conference in jordan. we're still digesting the news on iran, syria and the palestinian question. mark dubielewicz and paul gigot
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are here with their thoughts. plus, the growing power of women in the senate. what it means to your money. obamacare turns three years old, will americans ever fall in love, and will that program deliver on costs? plus, new evidence the media long love affair with the white house may be at an end. we'll talk about it. "happening now." bill: good deal. thank you, jon, top of the hour here. so a group of lawmakers talking about the american pastor being held in a no tour yous iranian prison. why lawmakers are saying that washington is too slow to respond.
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bill: we have a new update now about the health of an american pastor being held inside of a brutal iranian jail. lawmakers in washington
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demanding the administration take a more active role in this case. jordan sekulow is director of the american center for law and justice, and congressman franks signing a letter to the secretary of state, john kerry, for more involvement. i'll get to the congressman in a moment, but jordan, how is his health, and what have you learned about him? >> well, bill, we know for the first time that pass tar said has -- pastor said has gotten a medical review, and he was promised he would be move today a hospital outside of the prison. this all happened this week, though there's no indication when he will be moved, and we don't trust iran until it happens. but at least there was a medical review confirming what we've been talking about, the internal breeding and the refusal to treat that with anything more than just, basically, tylenol. bill: you know, jordan, i'm wondering, are the iranians listening to you? because you and others have been on this publicly for some time now. >> i think when you look at all
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of the actions that have taken place the congressional hearing, all of the media buildup of to that hearing, the silence from the state department, and now we can report part two. after the congressional hearing, after 550,000 people on our petition, all the fox news stations deserve thanks including fox and congressman franks for leading the charge on this. bill: he's not out yet though. what happened yesterday? >> yesterday at the u.n. human rights council the u.s. ambassador to the council, ambassador donahoe, said, directly called for said's release. the first proactive statement by our government, by the the administration at the u.n. human rights council in p front of the countries, called on iran to release the pastor and to treat his medical condition. we met with the state department friday after that hearing they failed to show up at, and we pressed the medical issue which seemed to turn a lightbulb on.
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bill: it could be significant, right. jordan, thank you. i appreciate that bit of information there. to trent franks now, a member of congress who signed this two-page letter along with five other members of congress, what are you demanding of john kerry at this point? >> well, simply to look at the human side of this first and foremost, that this is a family, this is a family that has children that said loved to tuck in at night and tell stories to. i have 4-year-olds at home, i know the incredible human element of this. and this is an american citizen put in an iranian prison simply because he had the nerve to practice his faith. and at the very core of everything america is is this notion that religious freedom is the cornerstone of all other freedoms, and those who are standing on the flagship of freedom in the world have been found to be completely silent about it. the secretary of state, we want him to speak up and do what he
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can to bring this man home so he can take his little boy to see disneyland. that's what we want. bill: what has secretary kerry told you? how is he responding? >> well, secretary kerry has not responded to our letter. the first letter we had signed by almost 90 members of congress on pote sides of the aisle, we got no response, and certainly he made no public statement calling for said's release. it's astonishing to me. finally, he did call mrs. abedini, and we were glad to see that, but we still need a statement from this administration that we want said back home. and, you know, bill, this has a much bigger international consideration. iran has grown very bold in a ma re lent way. they were the ones that built the explosive form penetrators that killed many of our soldiers in iraq, they even had the nerve to be involved in attacks in washington, d.c. against
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embassies here. they simply do not have any respect or fear for this administration or toward this administration, and i think it has bigger implications than any of us realize. bill: you wonder if the message is getting through, if it's true what jordan just reported about him being moved, possibly, to another jail and also the word that was given from the u.n. administrator just yesterday. >> well, i'm hopeful. bill: so are we. to jordan sekulow as well, we'll stay on it. thank you to both men. heather, what's next? heather: a new effort to push gun control through the senate. what this controversial plan includes. aw this is tragic man, investors just like you could lose tens of thousands of dollars on their 401(k) to hidden fees. thankfully e-trade has low cost investments and no hidden fees. but, you know, if you're still bent on blowing this fat stack of cash, there's a couple of ways you could do it. ♪
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